Public Lectures

Public Lectures

“Breakdown/Breakthrough: The Psychoanalysis of Breakdown – Christopher Bollas’ Catch Them Before They Fall,   Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, New York,  June 5 and 12, 2013

The Creative Unconscious on the Stage and in the Consulting Room,” presentation  delivered  July 21, 2012 with Sam Schacht, Art and the Pysche conference NY  Kimmel Center.

Interview with Michel Schneider for Radio France, Paris, on Marilyn Monroe and Ralph Greenson, her psychopathology and the unorthodox and tragic treatment relationship between them.  February 21, 2012.  Broadcast August 3, 2012

Steven Poser.  The Misfit  podcast interview with Tracy Morgan, New Books in Psychoanalysis,, August 31, 2012.

“It Ain’t What You Make, It’s What Makes You Do It”.  public lecture and seminar, on the work of conceptual artist Dennis Oppenheim. Performa 11, Performa Institute, New York,  November 17, 2011.

Marilyn Monroe and Ralph Greenson: The Making of a Tragic Alliance”,  Center for  Modern Psychoanalytic Studies,  New York,  October 23, 2010

“Recognizing, Understanding, and Treating the Borderline Personality”,  Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies,  New York  June 3-24, 2009

“The Life and Death of the Unconscious in Modern and Contemporary Art”,  Pllock-Krasner House and Study Center lecture series at Stony Brook  Southampton,  NY August 19, 2007.

“The Life and Death of the Unconscious in Modern and Contemporary Art”,  paper delivered at conference, “The Fate of Interiority in Modern and Postmodern Art,” with Donald Kuspit and Francis V. O’Connor.  Stony Brook University Manhattan campus March 5, 2005

Panel Discussion with Dennis Oppenheim and Eleanor Heartney,  White Box Gallery, New York NY February 13, 2004

“New Directions in the Psychoanalytic Case Study”,  paper delivered at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Newport, RI, November 6, 2003.

“World Creation Myths”, Staten Island Society, Archaeological  Institute of America,  Wagner  College, Staten Island, New York, September 27, 1998

“Psyche and Shamanism in Oceania”,  Center for Symbolic Studies, New Paltz, NY  September 22 and 29, 1995

“Painting and the Unconscious”,  Drew University, Madison, NJ, September 23, 1993″Painting and the Unconscious,” MidHudson Jung Society, Millbrook, NY, May 8,1993

“Understanding Myth”,  Woodstock Public Library Forum, Woodstock, NY, May 19, l990

“World Creation Myths”,  six lectures delivered at the Kleinert Art Center, Woodstock, NY February   March l990

“Mythologies of Oceania”,  lecture series delivered at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, December 23, l989

“World Creation Myths”,  lecture series delivered at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, October-November, 1988